Non Compos Mentis: Mentally incapable of managing one's own affairs; not of sound mind and hence not legally responsible; mentally incompetent; not in control of one's mind; lacking mental ability to understand the nature, consequences, and effect of a situation or transaction.
Dr Berliner (I heard that some professors actually key their own names into the Google search engine, so I'm concealing his identity here by using a pseudonym lest he ends up finding my blog) brought up CERN during his lecture yesterday, so I sent him the Large Hadron Rap video, since I thought he might be interested in it. In return he shared this video with me:
My goodness, these guys can sing infinitely better than Singapore Idol contestants! OK, I admit that I exaggerated. Maybe not infinitely better - probably just approximately 1000 times better. This is really kind of cool. I'm so easily amused by cerebral entertainment these days that I suspect that I'm turning into a semi-geek.
2 kommentarer:
sagde ...
your professor sent you a love song!!
...ha, just kidding.=P your professor is cool. heh
"He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic. Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one." - George Orwell's "1984"
2 kommentarer:
your professor sent you a love song!!
...ha, just kidding.=P your professor is cool. heh
-.-" Luckily I didn't reveal his real identity because some people may interpret this uncharitably in all the wrong ways.
Anyway, yeah, he's quite nice.
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