tirsdag, februar 19, 2008


Coincidences in life, no matter how insignificant, never fail to surprise me. 2 days ago, without any reason or rhyme, I suddenly thought of a piece of writing which I wrote when I was still a first-year junior college student, and which won me the first prize in an intra-college Chinese writing competition (I didn't receive any monetary reward, though; all I got was a lousy plaque without my name inscribed on it - i.e., any Tom, Dick, Harry, Mary, Barbara or Bai Ling could have stolen it when I wasn't looking and claimed that it was his/hers). It was subsequently published in the annual college publication, but unfortunately I've donated the book to my secondary school, along with loads of other books which I didn't want anymore. And I didn't have an extra hard copy of that writing with me. So I tried searching for the file in my computer, only to find out that I've deleted it. I didn't post it on this blog before, and therefore I didn't bother to try looking it up in my archives. I thought I had lost this particular piece of work for ever, only to stumble again into an old, stagnant and forgotten blog of mine which I had kept 3 years ago, through a nondescript link on the blog of a briefly acquainted online friend with whom I've lost touch, and whose blog I only chanced upon accidentally; and published on this ancient, rusting, aging, lonely blog of mine, was the very piece of writing I was looking rather anxiously for.

It is an unpolished and unadorned piece of work - in other words, it is amateurish and immature, and lacks style. But, just for old times' sake, I am going to post it here now, in case I should sink into slight moodiness when I can't manage to find it again in future.

Anyway, I am now reminded that I haven't written any literary piece in Chinese for eons already. I am rather tempted to take part in the annual nation-wide writing contest open to all tertiary students again this year, in the laughable hope that I will be lucky enough to bag another prize (no matter how unimportant the award is) so as to make my curriculum vitae look more impressive (since I am no longer reading Chinese Studies, I'll have to resort to other methods to prove to future employers that I have attained a satisfactory level of proficiency in the language), and also to boost my own pride for egotistic reasons.

AND, the bonus is that this nation-wide contest is a rather prestigious one, so if I am fortunate enough to win anything, I can walk around all day long, exuding an air that is palpably elitist, and boast obnoxiously to every single passer-by who is bored enough to listen, "Do you know who you are talking to, you miserable plebeian, uneducated peasant, uncivilised barbarian, uncouth imbecile!? I won an award in that writing contest, you know; and I am going to win the Nobel in another 105 years' time. What?! You don't know which competition I'm talking about?! Oh my Nietzsche, I am so disgusted with you! GET OUT OF MY ELITIST FACE!"

AND, last but definitely not least, it also gives away monetary prizes. Woo hoo! Money, money, money, it's so funny, in a rich man's poor girl's world!

Ahem. Anyway, we'll see how it goes, since I am such an incurable slacker that I haven't even started writing the play I said I was going to write. I'll probably postpone all my literary endeavours infinitely. Is anyone kind enough to supervise me at the risk of incurring my wrath?








德国著名诗人里尔克(Rainer Maria Rilke)在撒手人间之前为自己写好了碑文:“啊,吊诡的玫瑰,你是纯净的矛盾。喜悦是在若干棺盖下,独守着无人的清醒。”玫瑰是执著的守墓者,是忠心耿耿的随从者,是灵魂的看护者。玫瑰代表着死亡,它是如此无情、如此残酷、如此理所当然,它陪你入土,它停留在你的身旁,你生前的眼泪灌溉着它成长。人生如玫瑰,玫瑰如人生,管他前世红尘滚滚,无论今生爱恨情仇,不计来世离合悲欢;十年生死两茫茫,尘归尘,土归土,再美丽的玫瑰终究和生命一样必须灰飞烟灭风消云散。





2 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...


SirWhale sagde ...

It's hard to write such an essay in english.

Anyway, treat it as a lesson and back-up all your files as soon as you bother to. You will lose all of them one day. Articles,emails, msn conversations, photos, songs, all of them.