Foreword: Check out Stonez's version of this poem! Entry dated 19 December, 2006. :) I think he is much better in writing poetry than I am - after all he is an accomplished poet who has already published two poetry collections!

16 kommentarer:
I really really do love the people who read your blog. They make me laugh.
mu tai dong:
Me give you teach English yes? 1 minute 1 thousand dollars. Your English lousy no choice.
lol, faith u're lame
I understand the poem, but not the comments
Hello! I haven't checked out your blog in a long time too. Well, seriously thought you deleted it or something. Enjoy your holidays, keep in touch.
Frobisher: It isn't patriotic. There is no sign of patriotism. And I'm not Taiwanese. I don't know what makes you think it's patriotic, but if it is Mu Tai Dong's translation of the poem that makes you think so, all I can say is: Don't be fooled.
Blog in English, auf Deutsch: It is best that you don't understand. Let it stay that way. :)
seems kinda wrong to take someone else's poem and then tell them what's wrong about it. Then critique it. Then "improve" it.
How do you improve someone elses poem anyway? A poem is a mirror of ones soul, can u express the same emotions as the poem writer? I think not.
Oh well, maybe it's not such a big deal.
mutleythedog, finally, i actually agree with you completely.
oh well. i didnt say mine was better, its purely for referrance.
Jingoistic: I asked to kill a zenots to give me his comments because he is an accomplished poet who has published two poetry collections. :) And well, there are some poetic techniques and details which I may not have heard of.
Mutleythedog: There is a difference when someone takes your poem and mutilates it.
To Kill a Zenots: Thanks so much for your comments, and good one there about the babel fish.
To Kill a Zenots:
I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know you were invited to comment on her poem.
Sorry to "to kill a zenots". I had no idea you were invited. Please forgive me.
But wow, a published poet? Why does this blog attract all the intellects? Oh Miao how I envy you.
Oh btw, I've posted my msn on my own blogs comments thing. So no loonies add me :)
Everyone is welcome to critique my writings! The very reason why I choose to post my writings online is precisely because I wish to improve myself. :) So all constructive criticism is welcome (stare pointedly at certain individuals).
Jingoistic: With all the looneys visiting my blog, you can hardly say that this blog attracts many intellects.
There's a fine line between genius and insanity.
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